5 Razones Por Las Cuales Usted Debería De Empezar A Usar Un Pañuelo April 15, 2023Samer Choumar El concepto actual de usar pañuelos pudiera parecer un poco extraña, considerando que los pañuelos han sido un pilar de la moda por muchos años. Ya no se utilizan como...
The Influence of Fabric Choice on Pocket Square Styles April 02, 2023Samer Choumar The fabric of a pocket square greatly influences its appearance, texture, and suitability for various occasions. From the luxurious sheen of silk to the crispness of linen, each material brings...
Pocket Squares: A Reflection of Personal Values and Ethical Choices March 28, 2023Samer Choumar In an era where fashion is increasingly intertwined with social and ethical considerations, pocket squares have become more than just a style statement; they are a reflection of personal values...
The Modern History of the Pocket Square March 11, 2023Samer Choumar As we have seen, the pocket square or pocket handkerchief is an accessory which has been around for millennia, one which has bore witness to the rise and fall of...
La Storia Moderna del Fazzoletto da Taschino February 28, 2023Samer Choumar Come abbiamo visto, il fazzoletto da taschino è un accessorio in circolazione da millenni, che ha testimoniato l’ascesa e la caduta di imperi ed il continuo fluire della moda. Dapprima...
The Fall and Rise of the Pocket Square February 12, 2023Samer Choumar If you are the sort of person who takes an interest in contemporary fashion trends, you can not have helped but notice that one highly distinctive accessory is most definitely...
Grande En Japón: El Pañuelo En La Tierra Del Sol Naciente February 02, 2023Samer Choumar ¿Qué viene a su mente cuando piensa en Japón y la cultura Japonesa? Podría ser, su superioridad tecnológica, sus calles iluminadas radiantemente, una identidad visual vibrante llena de color, sus...
Six Stylish Ways to Fold A Pocket Square January 28, 2023Samer Choumar Is there any accessory quite as dashing or sophisticated as a pocket square? We certainly do not think so, and given the rise in popularity these beautifully decorative squares of...
Pocket Squares Around the World: Global Fashion Insights January 15, 2023Samer Choumar Pocket squares, while small, are a significant accessory in menswear, transcending cultures and geographies with their universal appeal. However, the way they are perceived, styled, and incorporated into attire can...
Sechs elegante Möglichkeiten das Einstecktuch zu Falten January 03, 2023Samer Choumar Gibt es irgendwelches Zubehör was so schneidig oder anspruchsvoll ist wie ein Einstecktuch? Wir glauben es nicht und angesichts der steigenden Beliebtheit dieser schön dekorativen Quadrate aus Seide in den...
Pocket Squares and Ladies’ Fashion December 20, 2022Samer Choumar For many of us, the world of luxury pocket squares is still very much a male one. Indeed, the iconic silk handkerchief, sharply folded and tucked into the top pocket...
L’ascesa e la Caduta del Fazzoletto da Taschino December 01, 2022Samer Choumar Se sei il tipo di persona che si interessa alle tendenze temporanee della moda, avrai sicuramente notato che un accessorio altamente distintivo è tornato in auge dopo un periodo passato...